Tag Archives: defense of marriage act

today i pray harder than yesterday …

I pray today. I pray hard and focused today. I pray not for forgiveness or thanks. I pray not for others who are sick and suffering. I pray not for strength or serenity. I pray only for something I want. I pray for something I want for myself, my fiance, and my gay and lesbian brothers and sisters who proudly stand under this nation’s flag suffering injustice and persecution for being a living, breathing person who was born to this earth with a gift. The gift to give and receive love another, hopefully unconditionally, without regret or shame, BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING TO REGRET OR FEEL SHAMEFUL ABOUT. Nothing. Period.

I pray today that equality for all begins in this nation. I pray that our goverment’s highest court follow through with the right action by coming to consensus on this nation’s founding principal: that all men are created equal. And not just in California or the states that have approved gay marriage before, but, that as a nation, everyone has the right to marry whomever they love, and be afforded the same rights as each other.

There should no longer be the “back of the bus” or separate lunch counter in this nation of freedom. We should be well-beyond that by now.

I pray that The Supreme Court sees clearly how bigoted, separatist, and socially backward these laws are. I pray that they see how other nations — successful nations — have provided these rights to their entire population. Their nations are not crumbling, their heterosexual population is not dwindling, their heterosexual population’s ability or desire to marry whom they love; that is has had no negative social impact at all. Period.

I pray that Kirk and I will be able to have a legal marriage that secures us the same rights as my sister’s and their husbands, my straight friends who are married, and those who I don’t know who may be happy, content, or miserable in their own marriage. I pray they afford me the right to the same federal legal rights — taxation, benefits, social — that straight couples are afforded.

I pray. I pray. I pray.

I pray…